Sunday, July 21, 2013

Questions of an atheist

I have always questioned my parents (mom in particular) about god and his/her/its existence. She tried to explain me but I was too dumb to understand (or there were too many holes in it which I couldn't digest) Being an atheist in an orthodox brahmin family is not easy. Over the years, I have thought why do devout Hindus don't get these questions. Some of them might be childish or a question just out of ignorance or display of my attempt at sarcasm.

  1. In which yuga did the dinosaurs live? 
  2. God takes form of many animals and those animals are worshiped (Lion for example). Why didn't god take form a chicken? Why didn't god take the form of a Panda or a Reindeer or Giraffe or a Dodo?
  3. Why are there no ancient temples in US/Africa/Europe? Why are they found is so many numbers only in India? Was god not present in those regions? 
  4. Why do natural calamities occur and kill so many innocents? 
  5. Why does god make people if they are to kill each other? What is the point of creation then?
  6. Why doesnt taking bath in my bathroom wash away my sins?
  7. An all-knowing God can read your mind, so why does he require you to demonstrate your faith by worshiping him? An all-knowing God can read your mind, so why does he require you to demonstrate your faith by worshiping him?*
  8. Why is religion only for humans and not for other animals?
  9. Did god know about electricity? 
  10. Why did not god know that building a ship is better way to travel on sea than try to make rocks float on water?
  11. Why did Hanuman's race go extinct? Or did they evolve into humans? 
  12. Did god know about Cancer?
  13. Did got know about petrol? 
  14. How can god allow the riots in his name and death of many innocents including children?
  15. If God is all-knowing, why do holy books describe him as surprised or angered by the actions of humans? He should have known what was going to happen.*
  16. Why didn't god invent telephone?
  17. Did god anticipate the atom bomb?
  18. Has anybody heard how heaven (swargam) looks like?
This list will go on as and when I think of more questions.
 * credit: