Tuesday, November 18, 2008

(still in discussion)

“In a day so bright
An eclipse makes us wonder
In the vast sky so blue
A thunder makes us shudder
In an ocean so wide
A whirlpool brings to our mind
Why are obstacles sprinkled on every path of life?

But then, the ray of life glitters
The memory of the sweet lullaby inspires
Nothing precious is achieved without a struggle
The taste of sweet success brings us insurmountable joy

In a night so quiet
A solitary sound makes one turn
In a world of sorrow
A gentle smile gives new hope
In a life full of hardships
A moment of peace makes everything worthwhile”.

The first two lines and last six are mine and remaining lines are not mine (u guessed it right)....they are penned by a talented person, who prefers to be anonymous. Any comments on the poem will be passed on to that person.


Anonymous said...

Didn't know you were such a deep thinker (even for the first two & last six lines)!!
It doesn't seem like it comes from two different people, until you mention it.

Anonymous said...

This piece is really awesome......i agree with smitha...doesnt seem like its written by two people.....thought flow really blends...

Anonymous said...

Budding Wordsworth ha! Or mebbe I should say budding Wordsworth'S' :)

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

While the first para has large undertones of pessimism and the last one unbridled optimism, the middle para provides an effective bridge between the two..it acts as an effective transitionary phase..good one overall....

Chandra S Ganduri said...

Dear Nrupesh..!

Good one! :-)

Suggest you name them aptly... by getting them around some theme.. ! That will be very interesting.. what say?

I think you are more than capable for doing tht. (esp. with your anonymous friend helping you complete...your verses..)

Best wishes!

Chandra SG.